Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cleaning Guidelines within Hospitals for Infection Control

Before carrying out advanced or specialised cleaning with steam in Hospitals, the first thing to make sure is that the patient vacates the room and all the equipment and laundry are cleared.
Authorisation must be obtained from Infection Control Manager, who will contact the Housekeeping Department in the Hospital.

There are 3 types of room clean: -
  • Standard

  • Enhanced

  • Deep with wall washing

The cleaning process with our Duplex steam at 165 degrees or higher physically removes micro organisms and the organic materials on which they thrive. A standard clean dose not
necessarily destroy micro organism in order to decontaminate effectively all organic material must be remove prior to disinfection or sterilisation.

Disinfection is a process
used to reduce the number of viable micro organism however certain
viruses or bacterial spores may survive and requires sterilisation.
renders the surface or object free of microorganism including viruses
and bacteria.

During clean procedure, Cleaning Supervisor will organise the cleaning of all non-invasive equipment within the room and areas.

Types of Clean Equipment to be cleanedWhat areas are required to be cleaned When to clean
Standard CleanFloor, ledge, patient's locker, table, chair, bins,
bed-frame, mattress
All clinical areas, isolation areas, isolation bed,
Daily Cleaning
Enhanced CleanFloor, ledge,patient's locker, table, chair, bins,
bed-frame,mattress, premier equipments. Walls below waist height,
Curtains removed prior to cleaning and re-hung after cleaning completed.
Isolation rooms, isolation bed areas/bays. Ward areasOn patient discharge or transfer.
During an outbreak situation.
Deep Clean and Wall WashingFloor, ledge, patient's locker, table, chair, bins,
bed-frame, mattress, premier equipments. Walls and ceilings must be
washed prior to enhanced cleaning of the area. Curtains removed prior
to cleaning. Clinical and household waste bags changed
Clinical areasWhen required.
To be discussed with Infection Control Team and Facilities

Clean hospital effectively by follow these cleaning guidelines for infection control :

Thursday, December 8, 2011