Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Veterinary Hygienic Cleaning Solutions with Steam

Veterinary Cleaning Solutions from Duplex Cleaning

Those who work in veterinary clinics and animal hospitals are aware of the importance of daily hygienic cleaning and sanitising. Preventing outbreaks and viral infections between animals is a priority for many animal care businesses as well as preventing the transmission of disease from pets to animal doctors, nurses and pet owners.

Cleaning equipment by Duplex Cleaning Machines is specifically designed for the cleaning of animal care facilities, and other businesses that require daily “deep cleaning”.

Benefits of hygienic cleaning with Duplex steam cleaning equipment to your animal care business include:
  • Designed for high risk areas for bacteria and infection transmission (floors in waiting rooms, operating theatres, benches, animal holding cages, table and cupboards).
  • Replaces traditional cleaning methods in a one-step-process (mopping and manual scrubbing are highly ineffective in meeting hygiene standards for animals care clinics and hospitals).
  • Produces a natural cleaning agent (+150ºC dry steam). Steam is a lot safer to sanitise floors and equipment that animals could potentially come into contact with. Hazardous chemicals such as bleach could endanger pets under your care.
  • Reduces cleaning time, physical effort and water consumption and almost eliminates chemical use compared to traditional methods.
Our machines that the most suitable and most popular for your animal care business are the following:
Would you like a free onsite demonstration?
To see how Duplex vet and animal hospital cleaning products can improve your veterinary clinic cleaning standards contact Duplex Cleaning Machines for a free onsite demonstration. To do so call 1800 622 770 or email to

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Effective Duplex Cleaning System that reduces cleaning time and improve hygiene in cosmetics industry

Cosmetics Cleaning Solutions with Duplex

Are you aware of the variety of areas that require daily cleaning in a cosmetics factory? The following are key hygiene issues in cosmetic factories:

  • Air quality: Due to the usage of alcohol, materials, chemicals and mists during the production of cosmetics, air quality is significantly affected.
  • Spills and staining: The making of cosmetics involves spills and staining making it difficult to cleaning with the traditional mop and bucket.
  • Slippery Floors: Constant spills means constant mopping leading to slippery floors, injuries and OH&S issues.
  • Duplex Cleaning Machines are designed specifically for commercial cleaning and their specific cleaning issues.

Benefits of our machines include:
  • Green-friendly and OH&S friendly: Chemical free, and no chemical residue leaves surfaces brand new;
  • Eliminates the need for commercial cleaning services;
  • Up to +180ºC dry steam: Steam is a natural cleaning agent and is a lot safer to sanitise floors and equipment compared with hazardous chemical;
  • Reduces cleaning time, physical effort and water consumption.

Below are our machines that are best suited to cosmetic factory cleaning:
 Jetsteam Maxi 8 bar

    • Jetvac Pro: A steam cleaning machine designed for efficient, hygienic and cost effective cleaning which uses superheated dry steam vapour to dissolve dirt and eliminate bacteria then leave surfaces dry, clean and sanitised after cleaning. It is also ideal for the removal of stubborn stains in metal surfaces, chewing gum and graffiti.
    • Jetvac Professional

  • CleanAir: A high filtration vacuum machine that comes up with a three stage filtration that prevents 99.9% harmful dust particles, pollutants from being released back to the air after the vacuum process. It is also equipped with HEPA filters that can remove germs and allergens for a better indoor air quality. Read more on
Would you like a free onsite demonstration? To see how Duplex cleaning products can improve hygiene in cosmetics factories or shops, contact Duplex Cleaning Machines for a free onsite demonstration. Call 1800 622 770 or email

Visit for further information.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Accommodation and day spa centres have a high number of visits and regular customers, which can lead to the build up body fats,  hairs,  bacteria from wounds and potential disease outbreaks.
Day Spa Cleaning with Duplex steam
Spa hygiene is essential to eliminating and preventing bacteria and disease. Spa baths can accumulate an incredible amount of unhygienic and unhealthy matter putting the health of your customers and your business reputation at risk.  Therefore, day spa cleaning solutions must be implemented, and fortunately, Duplex Cleaning has the expertise in cleaning matters for day spa centres with versatile steam cleaning machines that can solve the hygiene problems quickly without the need of chemicals.
Duplex Cleaning are speciliasts in commercial cleaning solutions. Our Jetsteam Maxi and Jetvac Junior are unique, versatile steam cleaners that are specifically designed for deep cleaning, degreasing, sanitising and disinfecting.
With our machines, you can break down and dislodge the body fats, human hairs and excess oils that build up in the pipes, jets and pumps after each use as well as anti microbial activity.  Duplex steam cleaners are an easy one-step system that completely cleans and disinfects the entire spa bath system.
Duplex Cleaning machines reduce the environmental impact of cleaning through the elimination of chemicals and significant water saving. A 1-litre bottle of water an clean whole areas.

With our specialised machines you can clean the following:
Duplex 420 floorscrubber
  • Duplex 420 SteamA versatile and ergonomic floor washer, extractor and dryer to restore tiled and hard floor surfaces without excess chemicals reducing residue. The Duplex 420 Steam completely cleans and santises high traffic areas such as lobby’s and waiting areas. It’s important to keep floors clean in high traffic areas not only for hygiene purposes, but to visibly show your customers that cleanliness and hygiene are top priorities in your business.

  • Bathrooms
  • Upholstered surfaces such as guest chair, sofa benches as well as mattresses and mats
  • Showers and vanities
  • Tiles and grouts
  • Guest toilets

  • Hard floors
  • Walls and benches
  • Day spa equipment detailing
  • Window
  • Carpets

Would you like a free onsite demonstration?
Enquire now by calling us on 1800 622 770 for a free demonstration at your day spa centre or visit our website at

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Duplex Cleaning's promotion with Lifestyle YOU channel is now live:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Infection Control and Healthcare Flooring Cleaning Seminar at Clean NZ 2012

Are you a hygiene manager, start-up business owner, facility manager or cleaning contractor?
Cleaning processes and infection control are fast becoming issues of high importance on many business agendas.
It is important for businesses, managers and contractors to have up-to-date knowledge on specific flooring, cleaning procedures as well as machines and products used. It is only through education that businesses can improve their cleaning standards and not be left behind.
Duplex Cleaning Machines is holding a seminar at the Clean NZ 2012 Expo at the Ellerslie Event Centre, Auckland, New Zealand on 24th May 2012 and 25th May 2012. This presentation will cover valuable topics and provide information on key hygiene and cleaning issues for both commercial and domestic environments.
Topics include:
  • Effective spills management and infection control for healthcare and commercial facilities
  • How to start a cleaning business
  • Correct cleaning procedures for many types of floor surfaces
  • An opportunity to test and trial the latest Duplex cleaning products
  • An insight into various tips including how to reduce cleaning times by using Duplex floorscrubber and keep the floors looking like new for years.
Duplex Cleaning Machines New Zealand has over 70 steam cleaning products available, and you can be assured that there is a versatile steam cleaning machine for your range of cleaning applications.
Our cleaning machines are capable of cleaning many different surfaces, whether it is in hard-to-reach areas or tight compact spaces. Duplex steam cleaners are ideal for bathrooms, kitchens, upholstery and windows. Duplex floorscrubbers are great for carpets, long piled rugs, hard floors, tiled floors, safety floors and vinyl floors.
The Duplex range of commercial continuous steam cleaners are versatile and effective, but they will also reduce cleaning water consumption by over 90% and eliminate the need for chemical agents.
For information on your local distributor or organising an on-site demonstration, contact Duplex Cleaning New Zealand on or visit To attend the seminar presentation at Clean NZ 2012, simply visit and register at